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CM - Jesus is the Mighty Mighty King

Jesus is the Mighty Mighty King

 “You are not the boss

I am not the boss

We are not the boss

Jesus is the boss, cos...”

My family sings this quite often, especially when the kids start to think that they are the “boss” and make up their own rules.

I wonder, if you were to finish this song for your kids, what would you say? How do we begin explaining Jesus to our kids? That’s what we’ll do in our next series on Mark 1:1-4:34 for the kindy and primary children.

Parents play an important role in teaching Bible truths to children. Fathers are commanded to bring up children in the “training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). These articles will highlight some important things to focus on in each series that the Children’s Ministry is doing, to partner you in your ministry to your children.

This part of Mark’s gospel shows us what we must know about King Jesus. We learn that he is the king who can do never-seen-before miracles (Mark 1:32-34). Great as these miracles are, Jesus is no mere miracle worker. He came to preach about the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15; 1:38), and to call sinners (Mark 2:17). However, the religious leaders and even his family will reject him.

If King Jesus came to call sinners into his kingdom, then there’s a lot at stake. This means that we must ask him to forgive us of our sins to enter his kingdom. Otherwise, we are outside his kingdom.

Christians who have trusted in Jesus are in his kingdom. Thank God for his kindness to us in sending Jesus to forgive us of our sin, so we can be in his kingdom!

For our children, they too need to trust in Jesus’ forgiveness of their sin to enter his kingdom. This is what our series in Mark will aim to achieve. We will also send you some discussion questions relevant for the week.

You could also ask them each week: “What did you learn about King Jesus today?” or “What did King Jesus teach about today from Mark’s gospel?”

This is what we’ll cover over the next few weeks:

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 1 (Mark 1:1-8)

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 2 (Mark 1:9-13)

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 3 (Mark 1:14-20)

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 4 (Mark 1:29-39)

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 5 (Mark 2:1-12)

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 6 (Mark 2:13-17)

The King of God's Kingdom 1 - 7 (Mark 3:1-6)

The King of God's Kingdom 2 - 1 (Mark 4:1-20)

The King of God's Kingdom 2 - 2 (Mark 4:26-34)

At the end of this series, we hope that you and your children will know King Jesus more. Then you and your children can sing the rest of the song with a greater understanding and love for Jesus our King who invites us into his kingdom.

“Jesus is a mighty mighty king

Jesus is a mighty mighty king

God made him the boss of everything

Cos Jesus is the mighty mighty king.”

“Jesus is the Mighty Mighty King” by Colin Buchanan