Getting Married – who, when, where, what and how?
Once you have decided on whom to marry, couples will need to consider where and when to get marry. How long does it take to plan a wedding? Any bride will tell you that it takes months or even years to plan. Many couples will gladly invest that time and energy in anticipation of a memorable ceremony.
However, God tells us that what is important is not a memorable ceremony but a fulfilling marriage. Our six weeks wedding preparations are merely a prelude to our lifelong marriage.
AT BTPC, we seek to prepare you for marriage.
Our hope and prayers are that our church will be filled with fulfilling and godly marriages. Accordingly, we seek to prepare people for the demands of living together in such a way that their needs are met, dreams are fulfilled, and harmony is attained but most importantly where God is glorified through their relationships as husbands and wives.
As such, our role at BTPC is not to promote an easy wedding but a great marriage – one that glorifies God in every way.
Unfortunately in the world we live in, some people spend more time preparing to obtain their driving licenses, planning for holidays or buying a house than preparing for marriage. Therefore, we have prepared a set of Wedding Guidelines, which we believe will nurture marriages that are fruitful, fulfilling, permanent, and honor and reflect the presence of Jesus.
STEP 1: Couples should ensure that they are genuine followers of Jesus Christ and must be members of BTPC. They should intend to remain as a married couple at BTPC
We strongly believe that next to the union we have with Jesus Christ, marriage can be the happiest and most fulfilling relationship one can find. This fulfillment is based on a mutual love for Jesus Christ and for each other, giving oneself in loyalty, consideration and service.
We believe a fruitful and fulfilling marriage must be being built upon the blue print of God’s word. The blessings of the Lord will be apportioned to you according to the measures in which you follow His will as revealed in Scripture.
As such, we require the couple to be believers in Jesus Christ and members of BTPC.
STEP 2: Please speak to the pastor
Couples intending to marry should speak first to the Pastor.
Please do not book your wedding date in a hotel, organize your honeymoon or buy a HDB flat before speaking to the Pastor. This is not because you must seek the church’s permission but the church will be able to give you guidelines as to how best to prepare for your marriage.
We recommend that you make an appointment with the Pastor as soon as you have decided to get married. We recommend a minimum of six months from the initial appointment with the Pastor to the wedding date. This is so that you will have time to attend a Pre-Marriage Preparation Classes to work out essential issues pertaining to marriage before saying the vows.
We require couples considering getting married to attend Marriage Preparation classes.
In order to build a fruitful and fulfilling marriage, a couple needs to understand God’s will for them in terms of their roles, behaviors and responsibilities as husbands and wives. Money, career ambitions, time, family rituals & traditions, friends, hobbies, vocation and home life are just a few issues that need to be worked through.
In our Marriage Preparation Classes, the Pastor will help couples to evaluate the maturity of their relationship objectively. The couples will also be asked to participate in a concentrated periods of joint introspection about themselves and their relationships. They will also be taught the Biblical doctrines on marriage.
Couples are expected to attend at least 6 Marriage Preparation & Counseling Classes over the duration of 4-6 months. They will be asked to read the Bible, answer questionnaires, read articles and evaluate themselves and their relationships using certain tools. The classes will be both interactive and extensive. Considerable time, effort and commitment will be required of you ... which is good training for marriage.
The importance of Pre-marital counseling cannot be overstated. You will acquire knowledge and skills that will help you the rest of your married lives. Therefore, please assign these classes your highest priority and be willing to adjust your regular agenda.
Should the pastor become aware of significant negative concerns or ongoing issues which will adversely affect your impending marriage, he will need to be satisfied that such negative concerns or issues are resolved before the wedding can take place. This may include couples living together; history of divorce; lack of openness to spiritual counsel; emotional instability; immaturity or incompatibility; substance, spousal or child abuse; financial mismanagement; history or practice of immorality; believers marrying non-believers or any matter which the Pastor considers a significant barrier to a lasting marriage.
If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to speak to your pastors. We are here to help you to attain the best marriage you can have and not judge you.

Speak to one of our pastors, we'll love to talk to you.