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CM - Are You Ready For Easter?

Are You Ready For Easter?

Ready Supermarkets

“Look dad! Chocolate bunnies!” said one of my children at the supermarket while I was looking for groceries towards the end of Chinese New Year.

Clearly, our supermarkets are ready for Easter with chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, and baskets for easter egg hunts. And we parents need to beware that our kids don’t slip in chocolate into our shopping baskets (accidently or otherwise)!

We too want your children to be ready for Easter.


Ready Children

Our next series will be about King Jesus going to the cross. We will focus on Peter as he understands more and more about King Jesus as he heads towards the cross.

Here is what your children will learn:

The Trusted King (Matthew 14:22-33) on 7 March

The Real King (Matthew 16:13-28) on 14 March

The Servant King (John 13:1-17) on 21 March

The Betrayed King (Matthew 26:30-58, 69-75) on 28 March

The Rejected King (John 18:28 – 19:42) on 2 April

The Risen King (John 20:1-31) on 4 April

The Forgiving King (John 21:1-19) on 11 April

We hope that this series would help your children be ready for Easter by understanding Jesus’ death and resurrection more than last year.


Ready Families

You have an important role to help your children be ready for Easter. You could ask your children each Sunday what they learnt about King Jesus, and help them apply each lesson into their lives.

You could also regularly talk about what the cross means for you, and sharing honestly with your children.

Or perhaps follow an Easter Bible reading plan, like this 14-day plan: link. There are Bible passages, discussion questions, and even activities for each day. Like wrapping someone up in toilet paper. You don’t have to finish all the readings, just a few would be helpful for your family to remember the cross and resurrection.

My hope is that you and your children will remember God’s great mercy to us at the cross, so that we may love him more deeply.